Jeremy Dawson
firstname-surname at
Academic Career (1998-2021)
For this period of 24 years I was at the
Logic and Computation Group in the
Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering
at the
Australian National University,
subsequently in the
Research School of Computer Science,
part of the
College of Engineering and Computer Science,
see further details here.
In retirement I've been doing more of a variety of things, including
- some category theory proofs in Coq
- reverting to my earlier interest in the law,
including being rather outspoken
about legal issues and cases that attract my interest, see further
- I'm also starting a set of pages called the
Streisand Effect,
designed to try to give maximum publicity to writings with others have tried
to punish or suppress.
- I'm also an active bridge player, at
Capital Bridge Club.
Our club (together with Jamison) is supporting
a new weekly social bridge activity, at
The Henry, Higgins
and here (initially, at least) is
its website.